
Daniel 7-12

In preparation for Sunday, I encourage you to take the time to read Daniel 7-12. This section of Scripture is unique. Daniel is very closely tied to the book of Revelation. Both Daniel and Revelation talk about "the time of the end," or what is popularly known as end times. There is no other place in the Old Testament quite like it. 

In this section of Scripture, God reveals a lot to Daniel about the end of the world and the events leading up to that moment. It's confusing to Daniel, terrifying actually. At least nine times in these six chapters, Daniel mentions that he is terrified and overcome by fear.

Amid all the terror and confusion, Daniel experiences the incredible peace of God. And that is what I am planning to zero in on this Sunday. Like hidden gems, there are three pillars of peace tucked into these three chapters that are very applicable to our lives today in 2022. Like Daniel, we can feel afraid and confused at all that is going on in the world around us, and just like Daniel, we can build our life around these three pillars of peace and experience the Shalom peace of God.