
Daniel 4

This week we are going to continue our series in Daniel. Specifically, we are going to look at Daniel chapter 4 where we see a real-life example of how God humbles the proud. You may know a little bit about the story of Nebuchadnezzar and how God humbled him, but you may be surprised to learn about how God used Nebuchadnezzar to humble Israel. 

God hates pride, and throughout Scripture, He reminds us that He will humble the proud and exalt the humble. This week we are going to learn about how Israel grew proud, so God used a foreign king and foreign army to humble His people Israel. And then that very same King that God used grew proud and arrogant, so God humbled Nebuchadnezzar in a very humiliating way. It's quite a story and I can't wait to dive in with you and listen for what God is saying to us as a community. 

Some of what I am going to share with you was inspired by a sermon from Timothy Keller. If you want to listen to Tim Keller's sermon on this topic, simply click here